Sunday, January 11, 2009

Book of Mormon Study: 2 Nephi 2-4, continued

OK, nothing much to say, other than I love Nephi's psalm. I love Nephi's humanity shining through the mantel of prophet, that he recognizes his flaws and beats himself up for them. How real is that?

As I've started Rough Stone Rolling and learned even more about Joseph Smith, I see his humanity shining through the mantel of prophet, too. It's made me appreciate that God can use each of us, despite our imperfections, for His work. Heavenly Father wants me to touch the lives of others. He wants me to overcome my weaknesses, but even if that takes a lifetime and beyond, he can use me for good in the world. Prophets are not perfect men, and when we expect them to be, it puts them on a pedestal away from the rest of us, which is a dangerous place for them to be, not for them, but for us. If we accept their humanity with their power, it ennobles us with them.

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